Friday, 27 January 2012

University Challenged

So, those of you that read through the forum thread (If not you can find that here) may recall me mentioning that the reason I'd made Castle was so that I could use it in my Portfolio so that I could present it to a University (If you didn't know that you certainly do now).

Well, I did present it to the University and I got my reply back a few day  ago, but before I go into that i'll explain this a little more.

My goal in life is to become a Game Designer, it's what I study to do and it's the reason I included Castle in my Portfolio, so that I can show off some basic level design principles as well as the awesome feedback that you guys left (Especially those of you that made Let's Plays, you are awesome and you win a free Internet).

Unfortunately when I got to the University it transpired that they would have been more interested in an Art Portfolio...

The Course was a Design Course, but the University doesn't have an Art course, which means that anyone on the Design would be doing all the Art and Design for a single game. I can see how that works but I'd much rather be doing Design.

So I explained this to my Interviewer and he said the only way he could rationalise letting me on the course was if I was actually good at the Design I did do, so it's a good thing he enjoyed what I showed him (Thank you to the Youtube guys since I could show him one of the playthroughs as an example), so he said he'd mull it over and I'd hear back from them in about a week.

1 Week Later...

So I finally got my reply back, and they've given me a conditional offer based on the design work I showed them, and me meeting the grades they've set for the courses I do right now.

I probably wouldn't have gotten that offer without this, so thanks guys for the feedback you've given, cause I'd probably be worse off without it.

(If you're curious, this University is my back-up choice if I fail to get into my first choice, which is a course entirely focused on Design.)

As ever, if you want to hear more from me you can follow me on Twitter @SeriousSalmaras

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